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Xanthic is a straightforward API for in-memory caching on the JVM, via the facade pattern.

  • Library developers can utilize Xanthic to enable caching without marrying a single implementation
  • Application developers can utilize Xanthic to easily switch between different backing implementations whenever desired

Usage Example

Create Cache

Create a cache (with String keys and Integer values) that can hold up to 2048 elements, where entries expire 5 minutes following their latest access, and removed entries notify a specific event listener:

Cache<String, Integer> cache = CacheApi.create(spec -> {
spec.expiryType(ExpiryType.POST_ACCESS); // or ExpiryType.POST_WRITE
spec.removalListener((key, value, cause) -> {
if (cause.isEviction()) {
// do something

Since CacheApiSpec#provider(CacheProvider) was not specified, the default cache provider will be used.

Default Cache Provider

  • Application developers should add at least one cache-provider-𝑥 module to their project (or create their own)
  • When there is only one cache provider registered, it will automatically become the default cache provider
  • When there are multiple cache provider modules installed, the default will be selected according to the discovery order (but it is not recommended to rely on this order)
  • Users can explicitly define which cache provider should be used as the default by calling CacheApiSettings. This will override whatever default was chosen from the discovery order